I had attended Field of Terror back in 2005 and had mixed results. I was pleased to learn that they had added a new walkthrough to the attraction, so there would be more to do than just a corn maze (since we had planned to skip the always-lame hayride). The organizers and at Field of Terror have definitely stepped up their game in the last three years. We got a pair of very creatively arranged and long-lasting walkthroughs that were well worth our time and money. We started in the Corn Maze, which boasted an expansion from 3 to 6 acres. The old port-a-potty gag was still present, as was the school bus from three years past. But there were plenty of new treasures to be found - such as a long tunnel filled with inflated sacs for walls. You were forced to push your way through in complete darkness, totally surrounded by inflated fabric. I can imagine that it could induce some serious terror for claustrophobics! Some of the costumes in the corn maze were also stellar. There was a plethora of deformed clowns - many of them looked as though they were in serious need of some ointment for savage eye infections. Also, the chainsaw-wielding crazies all seemed to have white contact lenses in, which is always effective and creepy. Their new indoor haunted house is called "The Unknown" and it was similarly impressive. Again, some costumes stood out - one dude looked like a member of Gwar, another cloaked figure had a shrouded face like a Nazgul. And speaking of Tolkien nerdiness, the last room contained a Shelob-esque giant spider. The house also featured another Inflated Tunnel of Claustrophobia and our perennial favorite, the Spinning Tube of Disorientation! Altogether, a great way to start 2008's haunting season. I highly recommend Field of Terror and I'm seriously impressed with how much they've improved over the last few year. I plan to go back in 2009! |